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Home of the US Central Command, the US Special Operations Command and various USAF Commands, Tampa, FL has a long and rich history with the United States military. The contributions of Tampa and its citizens to the defense of our great nation and to ensuring our collective freedom are everlasting, yet not always known. To that end, CRISP brings together like-minded citizens to identify, highlight and celebrate the contributions of Tampa to the US Military.
We believe our name says it all. CRISP: Commitment. Respect. Integrity. Service. Pride. We stand in awe of those who have stood for us. We stand beside those who have stood for our freedom. And we stand with our nation’s best. 
We are CRISP.
CRISP’s first project is to honor the Tampa area’s 300+ Gold Star families. We are proud to announce that MacDill Park now houses a Gold Star Families Memorial Monument.
But this is just the beginning; CRISP has big plans. In the future, we will celebrate the storied air commands at MacDill Air Force Base, the various Command operations, and the CENTCOM coalition, as well as the military history of the Tampa Bay area.. And we will use the park space to host events for military veterans.
Join us on our journey. It’s been said that freedom isn’t free. And we need your help to make CRISP a sustainable organization. We have partnered with the Tampa Community Foundation to provide organizational and back-office support. We are recruiting some of Tampa’s most well known business leaders. And we have a vision for transforming MacDill Park into a destination that truly honors the American military.


Site Location
100 North Ashley Drive
Tampa FL 33602

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